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Ben Burns

Mr. Ben Burns is The Futur’s Chief Operating Officer. Get to know to the man behind the mouse. His origin story, how he met Chris, and why firing all of his clients was the best move for both his business and career.

Video Content

When to fire all your clients

Mr. Ben Burns is The Futur’s Chief Operating Officer. You might recognize him as the bearded fellow on our YouTube channel.

Though officially our COO, Ben dons several more hats day-to-day. Self-taught designer, web developer, general steward of our company, and father of two.

In this episode, we get to know to the man behind the mouse. His origin story, how he met Chris (and got his attention in the first place), and why firing all of his clients was the best move for both his business and career.

Ben also shares his experience in the military and police force and how it helped shape who he is and—ultimately—why he traded his gun and badge for a mouse and keyboard.

When to fire all your clients

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Jun 9

When to fire all your clients

How Ben Burns landed his job as COO at The Futur

How Ben Burns landed his job as COO at The Futur

How Ben Burns landed his job as COO at The Futur

Mr. Ben Burns is The Futur’s Chief Operating Officer. You might recognize him as the bearded fellow on our YouTube channel.

Though officially our COO, Ben dons several more hats day-to-day. Self-taught designer, web developer, general steward of our company, and father of two.

In this episode, we get to know to the man behind the mouse. His origin story, how he met Chris (and got his attention in the first place), and why firing all of his clients was the best move for both his business and career.

Ben also shares his experience in the military and police force and how it helped shape who he is and—ultimately—why he traded his gun and badge for a mouse and keyboard.

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Greg Gunn

Greg Gunn is an illustrator, animator and creative director in Los Angeles, CA. He loves helping passionate people communicate their big ideas in fun and exciting ways.

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How Ben Burns landed his job as COO at The Futur
