Getting Started Content Marketing

Chris Do
October 21, 2019

What do you know that you can share? The idea is that to think critically, you must run the risk of offending people because that's what critical thinking does. But also in that to be a critical thinker must mean that any idea that comes at you, you must do everything in your power to attack it, to break it down and to disprove it. And if you can't disprove it, then you adopt.


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OK what form of clientor content marketingare you thinking of?Actually, I'm going through someof the workbooks you guys havethrough the group,and I'm kind ofstuck at one of thosequestions in there.Which one specifically, whatdo I know that I can share?There's a lot that I know.And then trying to positionit in kind of at matrixis where I kind ofcame to the realizationthat I have two markets.I'm not sure which to pick.OK, Rick, tell mesomething that, you know,that might help me.Are pretty open-ended.Tell me.Well, brand strategyis a big focus.Perfect OK, so tell me somethingthat people don't understandabout brand strategy.Uh, that it's more.Well, I guess it'susually more of a pivotwhen people come to me,they have a question.And they're alwayssaying, I need a thing.They self-diagnose,and I just keepasking why until weget to a real problem.And we kind ofsurface that problem.So usually I'm trying to askpeople initially, what problemsdo you see that you're facing?What are you trying to work on?And then I helpthem strategicallythink through where theyneed to actually look at.Oftentimes, it does end up beingkind of a brand positioningissue or acommunication strategyissue with their effortsin their business.OK I don't think you've reallytold me ideas for three thingsthat you can write about, right?Why when clientsself-diagnose self prescribe,it could lead toproblems, and then youcould find some casestudies of that.To maybe you're notcapturing the marketthat you want becauseyour position incorrectly.And here's what youwant to do when youwant to position x, y and z.So I forgot the thirdone, but you justsaid it, so if you just listenback to this tape or this videoand like, Oh.And just start now.I can't do it today, butI think the next timeyou and I talk, notyou and me personally,but when we all gettogether again, Iwant to share some strategiesabout how I'm growingmy Twitter following reallyfast now because I think in onlytwo or three weeks now, I'vepicked up 400 new Twitterfollowers, which have beenwe would have taken mea year to do inthe past, and I'mgoing to share one of thoseideas with you right now sothat you can applysomething today.OK OK.And some of youguys who watch meor who are studyingmy every movewill already know exactlywhat it is that I'm doing.I need a question to fire me up.It's hard for me to sit-ina room with white walls.No conversation withanybody and justsay, I'm feeling reallyhot about this one thing.I'm super passionate, right?Rick, you know whatI'm talking about?Yes so we need the friction.And I think I'm going tohave to end it on this.I'm going to go as deepas I can on this, ok?I need the friction betweenwhat it is that you thinkand the differencebetween what we thinkis what creates my brainand jumpstarts my brain.That's how the creativejuices get flowing.And I've been listening to alot of what Jordan Peterson hasto say about this one.The idea is that tothink critically,you must run the risk ofoffending people because that'swhat critical thinking does.But also in that tobe a critical thinkermust mean that anyidea that comes at you,you must do everything inyour power to attack it,to break it downand to disprove it.And if you can't disproveit, then you adopt.That idea is true.That's what it means to doto be a critical thinker,to criticize an ideaand break it down.So when I'm in aroom by myself, it'slike all my ideas seemnormal and totally true.But when somebody challengesme and say and says to me,well, Chris, how canyou describe yourselfon one hand as a troublemakerand as a generous teacherand an instructor?Are those two ideas congruent?And in that one moment, Ihave to wrestle with myselfand say, well, thatis true or untrue,and I start to figure outhow to answer that question.So how can you do this if youdon't have a group like ours,well, you can do it byhanging it out in groupswhere there's a lot ofuninformed people or peoplewith opposite opinions ofyou say it's a logo designgroup who thinklogos are brandingand you hear the dumbconversations thatare happening in thereand it fires you up.And when you get fired enough,I want you to write somethingand I want you to try it onTwitter in this exact order.OK, everybody.So if you're listeningto us right now,do it exactly the way I tellyou and see what happens.Write your tweet,and the reason whyI want you towrite on Twitter isthis because you're limited toa very specific character limitto get your idea out.I don't want you to do thesemultichain tweets because mosttimes people don't read.All of them tryto figure out whatit is that you wantto say in the spacethat you're given one tweetand this becomes the thesisstatement or theheadline of an articlethat you're going to write.Here's a really cool part.You see this on Twitter and thenpeople attack you immediately.Twitter is the bestplace for trolls.It really is because everybodyhas a fricking opinionand just let it chill, likejust let them go at it, right?It's like, Wow.And then they'relike, you're an idiot,because this is reallylike an idea from Plato.I'm like, oh, I didn'tknow I'm looking it up.So they're helping me todo all my research for me.It's incredible,and they're helpingme to form what itis I want to do.Imagine it's like this hotpiece of iron being stuckin the cauldron being pulledout and 1,000 people hammeredat the same time.Then all of a sudden itbecomes this piece of steel,and I didn't haveto do any work.So what then I'lldo is sometimesI'll delete theoriginal tweet or justleave it alone and rephrasedit as something elseand let them hammer awayat it again until I startto feel like I got something.And you can do thiswithin a matter of hours.So whenever I create somethingon Twitter, if I can,I chill out and kind of WatchWhat fish come up to the baitand see who bitesand what's going on.If I know it's ahighly engaged pieceof content where relativeto your size of audienceand following.If it's blown up by whatevermetric works for you, if youhave 50 followers, if 50 peoplerespond, that's blowing up.If you have 10,200 people,that's pretty good.That's whatever the percentageis that works for you.If it's a dud, rephrase it.So it's more controversial.Or let it die.Those are the decisionsyou have to make.And then if I get somethingthat I feel like now,I know how to say this thatfeels the most accurateto capturing thesentiment that I have.Not that I'm tryingto water it down.I would spend a little timemaking a graphic for itand what I do now, and I'm goingto share this with you guys.I do one of two things.As you can see, I havea template in Photoshop.I use Helvetica now, which isa brand new typeface, Helveticanow, but you don'thave to use that.And people like really cleanSwiss modern typography,basic grid justified left.It works beautifully,but sometimes Iget this little markerout right here, right?It's like a Sharpie, butit doesn't smell as bad.It's got a blunt tip.It can write fat orthin lines, dependingon how hard you press.Then I make a graphiclike this right?And just draw it.Sometimes they'll do a sketch.Sometimes I want whateverI make a graphic, right?It's hand done.This is a different approach.This approach numbertwo, then I justtake a picture ofthat with my iPhone.I pull it off, I bringit into Photoshop,I fix some of the letterspace and deleted my mistakes,and I put it back in mytemple and I put it back out.Now it's visual.Now I share that on LinkedIn,I share it on Facebook.I share.I share it again on Twitter.Totally OK.Now my ideas beenformed, and thenthat gets a piece ofthat gets a new reaction.And the reason why I do thisis because now the thoughtis clear.And when I go onLinkedIn and on Facebook,I don't have any morecharacter limitationand now I can write andexpand on that thought.And the reason why I doit in this order, too,is because onFacebook and LinkedIn,you can edit yourposts, whereas Twitter,once you send it off to theuniverse, you cannot edit it.OK so I'll go in as the argumentis building and more peopleare chiming in at this pointon a longer or not longera short to mid formlength article.I can keep editing and Ikeep doing this all the time.You see, it's like,wait a minute,when did he change that?Because somebody said thatwasn't phrased correctlyor wasn't clear.So I'm using the power ofsocial media to help me write.And that can become andoftentimes another chapterin a keynote talk that I do.Usually that's howit works for me.And then yourkeynote talk becomesa series of imagesin things that yousay that you can record,and the easiest wayto create a piece ofcontent without any cameraor technology is todo this in Keynote.There's somethingcalled rehearse mode,and when you hitrehearse mode, youcan record your audio as youadvance through the slides.The audio synced to whereyou are in the slide.It's beautiful.If you export the rehearsal,you now have a QuickTime movie.With your audio and your slides.As long as you don'tchange the slides too much,I think the audiois still synced.This is the easiest way foryou to produce content and hitall the social media platforms.And it's freaking awesome.
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