Why Polarizing Content Is Okay

Chris Do
June 17, 2019

Chris Do talks with pro members about creating content that doesn't aim to please everyone, which is okay.


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I really liked what you saidabout content marketing is nottalking all the time.Yeah, and it's justmy own personal notesthat I made here.It's creating a place forconversations to take place.And that's something I'vekind of realizing about justbranding in generalis that we'resupposed to help ourclients create a place wheretribes can form.I just thought throwing thatout is an idea that I'vebeen thinking about a lot.Yeah and that's likethe name and the visualsand the aesthetics.They do matter.They tell part of the story,but it's that authenticat the deepest ways.It's actually where we want.We want tribes to form.And it sounds like that's kindof what you're doing with,like a controversial blog post.So you're creating conversation.Yeah and sometimes I'm goingto be totally honest with you.I must be verydesensitized to or to lotsof things or insensitive,because sometimes I say things,I'm like, there'sno way anybody candisagree with me on this one.This is like so straight.And of course, they comeout with the pitchforks.I'm like, wow, Holy cow.And I don't want to start.Another thing or mostlike Trump, here he comes.But I think sometimesin this world, at leastfor a small group ofpeople, we've become like,so politically correct,we're afraid to say anythingto like, possiblyoffend anybody.So it's just all milquetoastcomments and middleof the road, and you nevertake a stand on anythingthat's cool if you knowhow to play that game.I just I don't wantto play that game.I'm getting too oldto even care anymore,you guys, I really am, it'slike, whatever, if you hate me,just hate me, it's fine.When you meet me inreal life, maybe youhate me a little less.I don't know.I'll try.But I don't want to spendall the rest of whatever timeI have on earth, just tryingto please other people.So I don't even thinkit's that controversial,but I just think there'sa conversation weshould talk about it.Like when people freakout over x, y and z,I was like, why isanybody freaking out?Let's just talk about it.That's why I usethe word apathy,I mean, this is like hittingme like, I don't care, right?No, no, no.But apathy towards thepower that content creationhas over you.I feel like I fall victimto like content creationis such a powerful tool.Let's create a lotof content and thenI get lost in the tacticalof content creationversus the bigger wave.Like, we need tostart a conversationif I have well of knowledgethat other people don'tlet me use myself as avessel to share that.So I think that's powerfulbecause you're notworried about.I need to get content out thisweek or else I'm going to die.And no one's goingto ever listen to me,but it's like I need to starta conversation with someoneand to test the water.Yeah so let me throw outa couple of ideas hereand I might get into deep water.So you guys let me know,and I feel like we'refriends and family here, ok?Jesus was acontroversial person.I think about that.Jesus said things thatpeople didn't like.When he was killed for it, ifJesus is real, I'm just saying.Right so Jesus is thecontroversial figure, and notthat I agree with allhis points of view,but Jordan Peterson was havingthis debate with some BBCbroadcaster interviewinghim, and she'syour controversial figure.You're polarizing,you offend people.And he says thinkingis offensive,thinking is offensive.And she's like,what do you mean?He goes, well, it'lltake you, for example.You're not concernedabout how I feel.You're not concerned abouthow or if you're offending meright now, you're doing yourjob, which I applaud you for.So in order for us toknow what we think,we have to say somethingand somebody is goingto feel like that's not right.Right so I'm OKwith saying thingsthat people are notgoing to agree with.I'm OK with that.Here's why I find solace inall of this, though, is that?There are a ton of peoplein a disproportionate amountof people who find itcomforting, helpful to getthem unstuck, to give clarity,or even just to give thema roadmap to move forward.So I can't stopdoing what I'm goingto do for the twoto three percent,and I think that'srelatively high.I'm just saying.They disagree that don't wantme to say what I'm saying,I'm doing it for the 97.And instead of obsessing overthe three, I just move on.Just move on.It's OK.What else I'm going to do, soI'm trying out ideas, Hugo,I'm trying out ideas I want to.Who said this here?William is saying opena conversation loop.I like the way he saidthat open a story loop.That's a nice visual, you know,you're like there's a loop openso you can get in and it'scircular versus linearor it's just a dot.I like that.That's a nice takeaway from this.Tonight, the A list is who youguys are so concerned about,is it right, what ifI do a typo or I don'tknow my way about topography?And so you just sit onit, you just sit on,you're not being partof the conversation.And so.I'm not the world'sbest designer.Oh, here's an example, when asurvey was given and/or poll,who is the best designer?Do you know whatthe number one nameis, who's the best designer?Give you guys.Yes, go and type it in the chat.Who do you thinkpeople said, I thinkI saw this in a coupleof different forums.Seemed like it wasthe hot thing to do.Right, right, I see some ofyou guys OK, keep typing,keep typing.Who's the best designer?That's all they were saying.OK, you guys, youguys are too funny.OK it was in a logodesign group or somethingor a graphic designer group,so some of these answerswould not have come up.I haven't seen anybody writedown the number one answer.Aaron drapkin.For real.For real.I mean, I think Aaron link isa good designer, but the bestdesigner.So here's what this tells me.Aaron is part of theconversation right now,and it's done a reallygood job about tellinga story about being visible,about seeing the peopleand sharing his story overand over and over again.Michael, Beirut, less so,Paula, share, less so.Pretty much everybody.After Aaron joplin, not so much.They don't even know whoPaul Ryan is anymore.They don't know whoMassimo McNeely is.Forget about knowingJohnny Ivy's name.Forget about anyof these things.So that's what'shappening to you,and I was a littleembarrassed on crystal.I'm like, no, I'm notthe best designer.You barely even see me design.Are you kidding me?I'm the person behind everybody.I'm like, whoa,that's a cool design.That's what I do.It's like, How's that possible?No way.What have you seen me design?Very little.So what you guys are doing.I'm going to say inslightly judging tones hereis you're hiding, you'rehiding your talent,you're withholdingthe gifts that youhave to give to the world.So people can't say your name.People are not going to saytoday it's Maya, it's Mo.It's anne-sophie, it'sDebbie Clapper, you know,because you guys are hiding.It's Anthony banks,it's Rachel Nichols.Right he's the only one whogave me a reaction, you know,thank goodness.Anthony, good tosee you, my friend.Right?so we got to get out.Going to put it outthere, yeah, yougoing to break someeggs and that's OK.Smash them on your facelike I do like, OK, fine.That didn't work.People got upset about that one.OK, I'm sorry.Don't hate me too much.I'll do another one.No problem.So that's what youguys need to do.It's a tonnage game, you put itout there, you see what works,you keep trying.Oh wow, this is interesting.And then what happens isyour voice starts to form.You now start to have anopinion about these things.You found your tribe.You created space to invitethem in to self-identifyas being of the same mindset.And then we celebrate eachother because we're alllooking to belong.We want to belong tosomething, an idea of movement,a group of people.Family, the unit.A fraternity, a sorority,we want to belong.


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