When To Hire More People?

April 12, 2019

When you're buried in work and your team is dying, you need to be a good leader and say, "You know what, we need to turn down some work or just hire more people."


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How do, when to hire morepeople when you are justburied with work andthe team is dyingand you have to be agood leader and say,you know what, we needto turn down some workor we just need tohire more people.And just to realizewhen you hire somebody,it's not forever.And you could beclear about that, too.What I like to do is to setexpectations really early on.So if you hire, someoneis like, you know what?We're hitting a growth spurt.I feel like I needyou right now,but I don't want youto change your lifeif you have a better offer.If there's other thingsgoing on because thislooks like we're going to beable to do this for at leastanother four to six months.But beyond that,I'm not sure, but Iwant to give you theopportunity and bring you on,but you fully aware andfully transparent of what'sgoing on financially here.I don't know how long or howpermanent this position can be.It's my desire tomake it permanent,but I just don't know.And you could do it that way.That way, they get tomake an adult decision,and I think that's fair to them.So if they're contemplatingtaking another job, that.For whatever reason,seems more stable to them,they can do that.That will also free.You from the guilt should youhave to let them go later on.Where you say, you know what?I'm super sorry.You remember thatconversation we had.The client's gone, I can'tafford to keep you so.I wish you well.

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