Lowering Your Rates

Chris Do
January 30, 2019

Chris Do answers a pro member's question about lower rates after they've hiked them up.


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New to the communityis watching,Melinda has some questions.Claire O'Connor PT ClaireO'Connor, are you here?Oh yeah, I'm here, Chris.Oh, OK, whew.There's a little radio delay.How are you?Good to see you.Good good to see you too.Thank you.Yeah so what's your question?Yeah so my question is,you know, I'm on this.It's a cusp question.We're, you know, in the UK theyhave something in the tube whenyou're stepping onto thesubway train where it says,mind the gap.Yes, well, I'm in thisgap where I've up level,just a lot of stuff.I hate that word uplevel, by the way,up leveled a lot of stuff.I'm getting great, higherpaying prospects in the door.And at the same time,I'm still like, I haveto pay the mortgage, you know?And so should Itake the $700 clientjust so that I canpay my utilities?And so there's a little bitof like being clamped downlike shit.I got to pay the mortgageand at the same time,this feeling of expansion likeit's working, it's working.So I'm in this middle place.Where do I take the $700 client?Or do I just sayno, I'm holding outfor the high paying clients?Well, the transitionis where life you'rechallenged the most becauseit's great once it's all gravyand it's the grindwhen it's the other,but it's the transitionthat kills most people.I think, yeah, we're ona path, we're on a pathand we want security.And that's where I like you ask?I'm like, no, the first problemis doing work that's $700.And after you calculateall the time and resourcesthat you actually use,the true cost of doing it,you'll start to realize you'rebetter off doing nothing.You're better offreading a book.You're better offgoing to the movieor taking a mental health day.You really are because thelittle clients are justas painful as the really,really big clients.So why even bother with it?Just like you're just better offsaying no and upping your game?Mm-hmm Now we all want tocharge a lot more than whatwe want to charge today, right?Or what we're charging today.So you want tocharge 2x 3x 4x 10xof what you're charging today?I hate to say it,but you also haveto be 2x 3x 4x 10xof who you are.It's not going to justmagically happen, right?So when you sell anengagement that'sway beyond your capacityand your skill level,well, you've gotto close that gap.Now you can say I'llwait for the challenge,then I'll fill the gap.I like to do it the other way.I want to fill the gap, right?Wait for thechallenge and then I'mready to spring like acobra, Alex, I got you.I'm ready.OK so these lowerprojects, I justthink you just can't take them.I hate to say it.No, no.The short term,the mind, the gap.We got to pay for foodand like electricity.But at the end of the day,you're really not rightand it lowers your self-esteemand lowers your self-worth.And it will undermineyour abilityto walk into the next roomand say, you know what?It's 40,000 because in theback of your mind, you're like,I just did the same jobfor 700 the first timethey say somethinglow, I'm goingto just jump at it because it'sx more than what I used to get.And that mentalitywill make it very hardfor you to grow really fast.OK Yeah.Does that make sense?Makes total sense.And you know, what I'm hearingis that those little jobs justfritter away that yourpower and your energyfor setting yourself up for whatyou really want to be doing.Yeah, fritter away isa nice way of sayingsucking away your life force.That's that's exactly right.Valuable I act likeI'm valuable and Itreat myself like I'ma valuable person.I just need other peopleto realize the same thingI've already known.Yeah, OK.And the way that they realizeis that when they writeme a check for the amountthat I think I'm worthClaire, where areyou calling from?Tucson, arizona?

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