The Survival Kit Passion Project Challenge

Chris Do
June 9, 2017

Chris Do inspires pro members to push themselves creatively with the survival kit passion project.


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All right, welcometo episode 63.So sorry.Here we go, we're going todo this right this time.Self promo kickoff and I'm goingto remind you guys whatwe're trying to do here.And I remember ourconversation from last week,and I didn't do a good jobof communicating what I thinkis the right way to do this.Of course, it's just my way.There's lots of differentways to do this,but I really want you to thinkabout something that you'rereally passionate aboutand something that you havegreat enthusiasm forand put your heart, souland energy into it because it'sgoing to show for a minute,stop thinking abouttrying to promote yourselfor sell your services.Just do something that youlove and gives you joy.Or if you have a strong opinionabout something to that,but that's where thisshould come from.OK, so there's two strategieshere in terms of creating buzz,right?And it depends on who youare and what you like to do.Interestingly enough.The group seems to have goneone way, and some of the groupwants to go the other way.The cool part is you coulddo one, none or both.This is super fantastic.This is why choiceis great, right?Freedom to choose.So if we think about it, this isa tortoise and hare situation.The tortoise wants to gomethodically day after dayand go at something, and thehare is going to do the sprint.But it's a little different thanthe way I see it in my mind.So if you want to do this onebig hit this kit that we'retalking about,it's going to takeyou a lot of time and energy.So you're going to do a lotof work, a lot of research,a lot of design, productionto make one thing.Hopefully, that one thing isfantastic because then you'llget a lot of attention for it.That's fantastic.The other one isthe hair approach,which is we're going to do aniteration every single day.So this is consistent growth.All right.So basically, I'vealready talked about thisis the deck, the one big hit.And so if you want to do theskateboard deck, the challenge,there isn't so much becausethe skateboard deck is hard.It's that I want you tothink about somethingyou can do for atleast 30 posts,not necessarily 30 consecutivedays with 30 posts,so you can takethe weekends off.And so I found some morethings to share with you guys.So hopefully it'll spark someother ideas, some parametersfor the project.The way I see it,all of this is open.I would love foreverybody that wantsto do the kit, the survivalkit for us to talk about it.So we can agree towhat the terms are.And Tony Lopez is also kind ofroped into this unknowingly,and I'll share it with what Imean about that in a second.So what I'm thinking is we needto cap the budget at some pointso that somebody doesn'tgo bananas and spend$3,000 building their kit.So I'm thinking arbitrarily$50 seems to be pretty good.50 whatever that denominationis, wherever you're from.That seems to be good.Printing can beextra, but in termsof the components forwhatever's in your kit,$50 should be the max.It'll force you toget really creative.So you can shop ata second hand store.You can go to aswap, meet anything.You could repurposethings from your house,just figure outwhat you want to doand be really supercreative about it.Pick any theme that you want,and what I suggest you dois to play to your strengths.The more insane or fanatical youare about a particular thing,the better offbecause you're goingto be able to speakin a language that'sgoing to connect with peoplewho share that same passionand hobby you.The other thing is itneeds to be containedin some kind of durablebox because the idea iswe would then all shipour boxes to Tony.We would pay Tony somethingso that he can photograph themso that we all have consistentlylit professional photography.And the idea thereis theoretically,once Tony shoots it, and wecome to some kind of agreement,he will then giveeverybody the images backand then we will then plan thekind of social media onslaughtwith the entire group.So it'd be a coordinatedeffort amongst everybody here.And we can talkabout whether or notwe want to open this upto the general publicor just keep itwithin our group.That's up to you.There's pros and cons to both.I mentioned theline, if you guysare looking for someinspiration in termsof beautiful packaging.The design is a greatresource in case somethingyou don't know.It's a packaging blogrun by Andrew Gibbs.I'm thinking we put adeadline of June 30th, whichis basically a month andin a few days for youguys to figure this thing outand we use the hashtag featuresurvival kit.So far, so good, everybody.OK excellent.All right.So here are some examples.This was from last weekin case you weren't here.This is what oneexample could look like.So some kind of box.This is a very minimal designas some hand and done elementsin terms of the red Sharpie.And checking offwhat's in the box.And this is the onethat really inspired mein terms of the urbansurvival kit around bears,so people who live in thecity might not know anythingabout Bears and putthis little thingtogether is aself-contained box.I don't know.I think there's food inthere like spring munchies.So they had theselittle canvas bagsso that they can deliverthe goods and a whistlein case you see the bear.And I'm digging alittle deeper nowand find some more examples now.Of course, this will break thebudget because this does notlook like $50 but I startedlooking at special editionpackaging.And so this is somekind of beverage.I don't know.It's probably liquor.And there's a glass andthere's many things in it.There's even a woodenclipboard with a sealedlike a Black wax seal onan envelope, an invitation,maybe a little tastingmenu or some recipes.I kind of likewhere this is going.There's the special DVDbox set edition for Los.All done from the pointof view of Dharma.So I thought thatwas pretty funny.So they took whatI call the octagon.Logo from the TVshow and then some, Ithink this is like fanbase, but I'm not sure.All these adamo related productsfrom canned tomatoes, soupsand beer and soda.Of course, it's VHS.It must be really old.OK, so here we are.This is the destiny ghostedition special packaging,and we don't see thebox that it comes in.But what's inside thebox is super cool,so they have a manual forthe different weapons,the field guide, whichI think is pretty cool.They have a map of the universe.Special expansion pass,different stickers or badges,things like that, whateverall that stuff is.Pretty cool, I think it comesin a metal tin limited editionsteel box case and game disk.Yeah so there's thething with a metal tin,it's got some coolvarnishing that effect that'sgoing on foil stamping.OK, here's theWolfenstein box thing,so it kind of speaks of itreflects the theme of World Wartwo, I think from theNazis and Wolfenstein.I think it's zombienazis, I think.And so it has thatlittle secret envelopekind of thing, some militarypatches and some weird animal.I haven't played a game,so I don't know a booklet,map guides, things like that.OK And then I start lookingout a little bit more,and so it starts to get alittle bit more interestingas I brought in my search.This is still DVD packagingand this is fantastic.I think this is a Wes Andersonfilm called The fantastic MrFox.So it has thatstyle and vernacularthat Wes Anderson isso well known for, itcomes in an old school box.That's pretty dope.I don't think itcomes with these toys.It might come withone, I'm not sure,but I found the toysjust to kind of make itfeel like it's more of a kit.This is surprising.I found this.This is an empty box.Can you guys guess whatcompany this comes from?So it's hashtag, I'm not abox, so all the fun thingsyou can do with an emptybox, which is pretty funny.So if you're reallystrong at copywritingand you have theseclever ideas, Ithink this is goingto be pretty dope.So somebody could cut out.I don't know what this is.Is it a LAMA lineup?Thank you.So you can take the cardboardbox and you can cut itand then you can make alittle thing out of it.This is from zappos, by the way.And so they have in ashoe measurement guide.This is pretty fun.So what we can do with an emptybox, so your idea could be I'vegot nothing in my survival kit,just the box is cool itself.I like this just becauseof the cool designwith this calligraphicblocking the graphic patterns.I think that's pretty cool.So even simple thingscan be very attractive.This has nothingto do with the kit,but I just liked the way thatthe identity comes across,and I like repetition andseeing little parts and pieces.So if you design a kitthat had modular componentsand you packagedit like a system,I think that wouldbe really cool.Now, this is really creative.This is from Adidas,and I don't knowif this is one of theiralternatives to the flyknit,but it has to kindof the Nike Flyknit.So has this Blackand white part to it,and I can onlyimagine as they'resitting there thinkingand brainstorming,like, how are wegoing to do this?And they're thinkinglike cookies and cream.And what's good withcookies and cream milk?So it comes in agiant milk container.I think it's magnetic.So this part, the frontpart of it flips openand you can see what's inside.So it actually comeswith cookies and the shoeand socks, all thethings that match it.OK, now this is problematicbecause these shoesare going to be muchmore expensive for youto do as part of your promo.But I'm going togive you a pass.If you buy an object or youhave something like this,then the packaging and the restof it can be under 50 bucks.Obviously, the shoe isgoing to blow your budget.But I think it's pretty neathow weird this is, because it'svery memorable becauseit's shoes and cookiesand cream don't have anythingto do with each other.Anyways, this is a package, Ithink from American Apparel.So it has leggings and it has aCD and some shoes or somethinglike that.I don't know, but it looks cool.It's an unusual packagethat it comes in a cylinder.Another one from Adidas.OK, if you guys are,like, really super fancyand you know yourmaterials and youwere good at that nature ofmaterials class at art center,you might come up withsomething like this.I think everything here islike super foamy and cushionyto talk about the soul.I don't know.I'm guessing.So here's their kit.And last.This is not lastsecond to last year.I just like theway that this looksas the system thisis just, I think,a bunch of bars of chocolate.And if you are anillustrator, thiscan play to your strengths.So I'm just looking for acouple of different thingshere that if youwant to do a kit,the theme shouldreflect who you are,and the execution can alsoplay to your strengths.That's what I was saying.Play to your strengths.OK, so what we wantto do is those of youguys don't want toparticipate in this.We definitely want youto document your process.The more the better.And we talked aboutphotographing all this stuffand sharing on social.I'm thinking at the endof this, if it turns outreally well, if you guysknock it out of the park,maybe we can put togethera PDF book of the thingsthat Tony photographed.And I think Tony then alsogets to show off his skill setdesign and photographyput together.Yeah, right.And then we can havea PDF book that wecan launch somewhere and maybeeven print a physical book.I don't know.We can do those ondemand printing things,and that might be kind of cool.So you can printthem out and then youcan send them toyour clients and say,hey, I was one of the x numberof people who participatedin this design exercise.So I thought, OK, this is nota great looking book per say,but the objectsin are super cool,so just trying to helpyou guys visualizehow this might come together.This is, I think, a clothcover hardcover book.I have this book actually,and these are justobjects that they foundin the Transit Authority.OK Andrew had a question beforemoving forward, I guess, Yes.He just wanted to know if theywere going to be limitationsto what they can ship.I don't know.I guess that'ssomething you'll cover.Well, the limitationsto what you can shipis wherever you'reat in the world,we've got to ship it to Tony.Tony, where do you live?DC general pace.He lives in DC it'sEast coast, right?So as long as youkeep the package goingto arrive safely to Tony andthings don't break, we're good.So things like glassmight not be good.If you have a verydelicate outside packaging,that might not be a good idea.The idea is you should be ableto ship this thing to somebody.That's the theory.If it were great and you fellin love with your own idea,you could actuallymake them and send themto actual clients is toshowcase your personalityand your creativity.I just want you tothink about that.Anybody else have aquestion about the kit?I know it seemed like itwas like 80-20 in termsof the percentageof people who wantedto do the kit versusthe skateboard deck.So hopefully we havegood participation.Like I said, you could do both.You could do none.Up to you.Any of the questionsabout the kit,should we define any parameters?Do you guys want to change thebudget is 50 bucks too much?Is it too little?I think maybe, maybe have amedium sized budget as well,because we do have peopleoverseas also maybe like,Oh well, you did, say,50 is the limit, right?It's a maximum, right?Never mind stupid question.OK OK.Going once, going twice,three times a lady.Well, one morequestion is there,particular is thatparticular theme on thisor we just can exploreour imagination.There's no it.We have to stick to someparticular theme or no.I would love for everybodyto design a survivalkit for whateverthing that you want.So if you're a Star Warsfan, the Star Wars survivalkit, whatever that might be.So that's the thing that's goingto group all of us together.So you can if you want todo something about shoes,you can say that marathonrunner survival kit.And then you cando it like that.Maybe it'll come with gelpacks, so when you're running,you can fuel up.Maybe we'll have a headband.I don't know.You know that I'mrunning a marathon.I know nothing aboutrunning marathons.It could come with alittle jar of Vaseline,so you don't getchafing, you know,down there nipple chafing, youdon't get the bloody nipples.So of course, it's $50 forthe contents inside the box.Yes OK, now the design, it'sgoing to cost you a lot more,obviously.So if you wanted to speciallike printing or vinyldecals or 3D printing, whatexclude that from the budget?So the components that go in thebox should be under 50 bucks.Now look, guys, I'mnot auditing you.If you spend $1,000that's on you.I just want to use constraintsto fuel creativity and notgo crazy.And if I had my way,I would tell youit has to be smallerthan a certain dimension,but I don't wantto get too crazy.OK, Dee, you're up.Your would you be OK ifwe received sponsorship?Would you be OK if we receivesponsorship from a printer?Oh Yeah.Oh, totally.I would encourageyou to do that.I would totally encourageyou to take a pagefrom Aaron Atkinson's playbook.He he came up with an idea.He went to a printer.He had a relationshipwith a lot of printingbefore they talked about it.It was good for the printer.It was good for Aaron.And so they made some reallyelaborate packaging together.That would be fantastic.So we could kindof pitch this thinglike, hey, you know, we'regoing to be doing this project.It's going to be viewedby a lot of people.It would be great if.That's the theory.Yeah awesome.Yeah, you can sayI'm a designer.I want to do a reallycool survival kitbased on the theme of whatever.And I'm part of thislarger communityand we're all participating.I love to do something with you.If you could donate toprinting or the product itself,that would be fantastic.I love that becausethat's a relationshipyou're going to build withthem and it might lead to workand they're going tolove your creativity.So that's a real good excuseto have a relationshipwith a potential company.I have another question.It's a thing for peoplewho live overseas,like if we can find somewherea photographer here and thenphotograph this survival kitand then send you the photos.What do you think?I think that would be fine.I think it hopefullyit will match.I doubt that it'sgoing to match.And so then the idea of itbeing in a book and beinga part of a large group startsto splinter a little bit.Ideally, we'd allship it to Tonyand it could beshipped via slow mail,you know, whateverin another box.If that becomesproblematic, we'llfigure something else out.Yeah but.Of this case, like we canmaybe like set up standardsand how we shouldphotos the end product.Yeah and to make the comparisonlook, yeah, or somethinglike maybe Tony, you canthink about it just in case,because I think there's somebodywas asking that from Indonesiato send something to the US.If we're going to taketwo weeks and just in casethey were going to havesome, some fragile stuffthat they would like tocould just kind of like,have another option.Yeah right.So look, I've not asked Tony.Tony's not agreedto do any of this,but I know he's agood photographer.And this is where I think if weall decide to do this together,it would be much morecost effective for us.Then hire individuallya photographerto shoot this in aprofessional way.If you look at those andannuals is design annualslike from graphite, the thingthat makes it really beautifulis they photographeverything so amazingly.So this is one ofthose things whereif Tony had 20 boxes readyto go, he'd shoot the box,he'd open it, he'ddo some things,and then you'd get backlike six photos or whatever.It's like, you know, you havego ahead, randy, has a question.It says, is the goal tocreate something of value,then learn how to sell it.I don't I don't knowwhat that means.I think like creatinga monthly box skitor I don't know exactly,either, but that's what he said.I don't think thatthat's the goal.It's the goal is topush yourself creativelyand you could do this as apromo for you to send a clientsor to potential clients.I would think Yes.The idea is just to havea self initiated projectto really allow you to pour allyour creativity into somethingand not have the constraintsof any clients tellingyou to make it smaller bigger.They don't get it.Or that's too risque.Just do something for thepure love and joy of it.Let's not worry too muchabout the marketabilityof this thing, because Ithink you guys are goingto start thinking differently.Like if you want oneoff, yeah, that's it.You're going to stretchyour creativity.So if you do something thatlooks super corporate and like,ready to go, then I don'tknow what the point is.Well, I've alreadyagreed, so I'll justhandle the details with Chris.All right.Somebody asked methat in the chat.Look, look at this guy's.Let's just say.I don't know you makea sex survival kit,and it's got avibrator and whateverkind of toys, thatwould be super cooland you packaged it really well.And it's reallyabout amazing designthat no clientwould buy from you.And then we do this thingand it goes out into the wildand then it becomeswildly popular.Next thing you know, youhave hustler calling youor Playboy callingyou or somebody elsecalling you and saying,that's really coolor a different kind ofmarket and saying that wassuper fresh, dope and creative.We didn't think you coulddo that with sex toys.We'd love for you to do thatwith software or a video gamepackaging.I don't know.But let's not tryto think too muchabout the marketability ofthis, because I think then weget right back into that.Well, you're justselling again, and itgets really boring to me.To me, you could dowhatever you want.I will say this, though,I didn't realize this,but there's a market for this.I had dinner with somebodyjust the other nightand one of their clients isDC Comics and Warner Brothers.And what they do isthere's a term for this.I think it's called aninfluencer unboxing.So when they launch anew movie like, say,Superman versus Batman.They send this giantbox to influencers,hopefully me one day.And it's this whole experience.And it has activitiesand things for themto do so that themovie franchise getsthe maximum exposure from theinfluencer versus just sendingthem like, here's the movie.So they might have a kitto make your own costumeor some weird toys, orit's a whole experienceand there's a story.So the way that youtake it out of the boxalso curates the experience,and it's kind of a linear thing.So think about that.There's a whole market for that.They also showed me thisincredible full packagefor a VIP TaylorSwift experience.They didn't do this, butthey showed it to me.It came in a box like this.And you open it upand you can't evenbelieve it when you open up.There's a video screeninside with a custommessage from Taylor Swift.It's ridiculous.So there's anactual video screenwith some kind ofcomputer controlling it.I don't think it's thatexpensive to do these days,but it was in there theninside, sandwiched between twothick pieces of Plexiglas.Was your ticketlike Willy wonka?With magnets sothat you can open itand then your VIP lanyard.I was in there andthen you flip that openand then underneath that was aspecial edition concert thing,a program booklet, andthey open it another one.And then underneath thatwas like a photo album bookthat only the VIP get.I don't even know what theyspend on that packaging,but see so your creativity,there is a commercial purposelater.But I don't want you tothink about that too much.That's it.Show off your creative skills.Show off your copywriting, yourillustration, your photography,your user experience.Design, your graphic design,typography, your packaging,design skills, whatever.Show that off.It's all we want you to do.Are we clear?Moving on?One more question.Go ahead.Can we collaboratewithin Illustrator or?Something else or someone?Why not?Yeah, OK.It's not like youhave to design or dothis with one handtied behind your back.Use all of your resources,your printers, your,you know, if you know somebodythat's like incredible lasercutting or somebody whodoes things out of woodand you work with themlike, hey, I got an idea,you can do this.Let's work together.We can do this.But I want to keep yourexpenses to be under 50 bucksunless you have areally good reasonthat you want tobreak that rule.OK, so don't buythe limited editionflask of scotch or whiskey.That's like $300 justfor the product itself.It's going to tell a mess.Everything up.All right.It's about creativity.Not about spending money.OK, last question.I'm sharing my deck again.Right all right,the next challenge.And like I said, youcould do both if you want,if you are so ambitious.I'm sharing my screen, right?Yeah Yes.OK the deck, so I'm thinking wedo a skate deck and Steve arebuoyant and I have two differentresources that we can use.We can share the linkafter this thing is done,and I'm thinking at minimum,you have to do 30 designs.So the other guys have30 days to do one design.We have 30 days to do 30designs and some themes as propsfor you could doanything that you want.You can take somecorporate brandand do some kind ofimaginary collaboration.It could be for detergent,toothpaste, beverage, beer,movies, candy, mouthwash,pharmaceutical products,airline bank, feminine product,design, legend, signage,junk mail, whatever.The more boring you startwith and the better off, Ithink you're goingto be, so takesomething that's really banal,something that people overlookand try and find a way todeconstruct that design,to distill the brand essence outand make something out of it.There will be someexpense here, I think.So let's say you do 30designs, and dependingon which ones are the mostpopular on your Instagram feed,you may select one or twoto actually paint or print.I don't know aboutthe printing part yet,but I'm pretty surethere's on demand.Digital printing that we can do.So you actually have aphysical, tangible thing again.I would love it to do it so thatwe can photograph these thingsand put it out intouniverse the finished thing.And I thought if it was reallycool and it got a lot of buzz,we can actually do somethingwhere there's a travelingexhibition of the design.And then later on to auctionoff for charity or somethinglike that.So the hashtag for thiswould be future pop art.OK, so if you areinterested in this,here are someexamples of people whodo things on anongoing basis actuallycan create a lot moreattention just becauseof their consistency andthe variety of the design.So when we think, oh, they'regoing to be stuck now,they can't do more.They do something else.We're like, wow,that's really cool.So we recently had bastioncontrol on our show,otherwise known as orgasm.This is what he's donefor almost 700 posts.That is nothing comparedto Mr decade people.People has been making itimage a day for 10 years.Like that shouldjust blow your mindjust that somebody cando that, so this is justa small sampling ofwhat people is done.And if you guysare fans of people,he's going to be on our liveshow in a couple of weeks.So the originalinspiration came from thiswhere I fell in love with thisbecause I was like, you know,Kodak film is kind of goingout there almost like bankrupt.And they did this collabwith girl skateboards.And I thought it was wonderful.So they took the packaging,all the different partsand elements, andthey deconstructed.They pulled things apart andthey went to town with it.So they used the samecorporate colors.They use the same typefaceand the language and the logo,but they did it in a fresh way.I actually own four or fiveof these skateboards myself.I thought, this is super cool,especially because for somebodylike me.This is what I livefor, topography,moving things around likethis should be really fun.OK anyway, so I starteddoing more research.And then I found this, andthis was super cool, too,so this is an old series.I think the brand is called andthey took old media packaginglike, I don't know thisis VHS or cassette tape,but they took it.And I recognize abunch of these designsand then theydeconstructed it too.And then they changedthe language or the like.You might havesaid Sony or Fuji,and they just switched it aroundand put five people in there.And I thought thatwas really cool.Somebody wants to say something.OK Please stay muted unless youwant to say something, guys.Anyways, so thisone I found to thisis like buddy carskateboards, and Iwas thinking this has been donea gazillion times on t-shirts,on posters and everything.But for some reason,when you put iton a three dimensional objectlike this on a skateboard,it just looks so fresh to me.But I'm biased becauseI like skateboarding.Look at this one, this isfrom Damien hirst, the artist,and this was a collaborationbetween Damien Hirstand Supreme skateboards.I wish I had abetter photo to show,but this is what I could find.Here's one for Adidas.And this is whatskateboard companiesare notorious for viewing.They steal logos andbrands and illustrationsfrom popular frompop culture, and theyappropriate it and they justswitched out some things.This is not exactly whatI'm talking about here.We're not trying to do that.Like, I would love it to bemore deconstructed than this,but it's still prettycool looking justto give you some ideas.I think this is fromglobe skateboards,and they this is a seriesthat they no longer make.I don't think they evenmake skateboards anymore,but it's called thehalf dip skateboardand looks super cool.So there's that woodgrain andthen they do a dip, right?So they're playing around withcolors and things like that.So it can be verysimple, just a little bitof topography and colorswith some wood grainto look amazing.And if you like illustration,maybe this is your jam.All right, so Istarted to think aboutlike, how versatilecan this be like?Can I do 30 posts?I think I can.So I just tried to dosomething to show youwhere this could go.I know there's some StarWars people in this group.So I took an Ollie Mossseries for star wars,and I just cut it apart andput it on the skateboard deckto show you, wow, maybe Iwasn't interested in doinga skateboard challenge,but maybe now you might be.So if you're an illustrator,graphic designer,this could be really cool.And then I took WolfgangWingard's postersand did a typography one.So here you can see, like Ileft some of the wood grainin there, some of thewalnut walnut veneer,and I left it in there.So doing a blacktip skateboardwith some typography I saw,I'm getting really excitedpersonally to do this myself.And then I was thinkinglike, where else can this go?OK, I took theexact same templateand I put some Swissposters in there.I thought that looked cool.So there's somethingthat's reallycool about a superlong, narrow format thathas its own limitationsand an extreme croppingthat actually just is coolif you just put colorson it, once you start designingit, it can look really rad.And really, thiscame from me justwanting to pitch someideas to Anime Expoto do some skateboard deckswith the intellectual propertythat they already have.OK because I've got a question.Yeah, so you mentionedone time about thishaving a built in audience.I'm not familiarwith a lot of the,you know, skate culturein our skate, you know,the business in general when itcomes to the boards and decks.So like, what are thepotential opportunitiesthat can you get like, youknow, potentially approachedby the companies thatmake this, you know,different companieswho might wantto use this as a way topromote like, you know,how connected withgirl what you say?What's your take on that?I don't know, Chris.I have no idea.I don't know wherethese things go.And I like not to thinktoo much about the future.Oddly enough, ironicallyenough, when I do something,I just want to do it becauseI'm passionate about itand it makes me happyand gives me joy again.I can't emphasize this enough.I know what you'reall thinking like,how many get work from this?What's the business opportunity?And I honestly,sincerely believe this,that that's not theright mindset goinginto something like this.I think when what's your name?Elizabeth Cory Smithcame on our showand talked about howwhen she was pregnantand she was riding thesubway, she was kind of miffedthat people didn't giveher seat, give her a seatand you're supposed to writefor elderly and pregnantand for small children.Get your freaking seat,let somebody sit down,be a kind, considerate person.And so she took theanger, and then shestarted to record how manytimes where she was what,what time of day somebody wouldor would not give her a seat.And then she made aninfographic poster out of it,and it got picked upby a lot of blogs,and she got a lot of press fromthat and it went kind of viral.I think that'sthe way to do thisand not to thinkabout like, gosh, Iwonder who I can pitchthis subway infographicthing to about pregnant women.Maybe, you know, that's justthe wrong attitude, I think.I think if you do thiswith pure love and joy,the opportunitieswill present itselfas you gain momentum doing this.I think people will reach out.So look, I didn't wait for AnnaMaxwell to approve the designor to approve the idea.I just wanted to make it.I don't care ifit goes anywhere.And then it didn'tgo anywhere, right?Because I think it'stoo late because thereare about two monthsaway from the show,and to print a deck now.It's going to be toomuch trouble for them.However, that keptliving on in my brain.I was like, I enjoy this.They're reallyeasy for me to do.And I love type, and Idon't have a lot of thingsto do on Instagram.And the thing is thatpeople seem to enjoy.For me are curateddesign or typography.So this is my way ofdoing something like that.And to bring my love forskateboarding into this.And then naturally, this growsinto potentially somethingthat many of you guyswill share with me.I'm still not thinking aboutcommercial viability right now.I'm just thinking about doingsomething for joining me.Now, I can't tellyou how many timesin the last couple of streamsthe artists and designersthat I talk to,they all have citedat one point doing somethingjust for pure love and joy.And then that leadingto some fantastic gigs,but they cannot seethat moving forward.When I go back onthe show, he talkedabout this one super buffpersonal trainer at the gym.So you talk tohim and he's like,you know, I want to do thisthing with green screen,I want to shoot you.Can we put you in areally tight outfit?And he's like, let's do it.So he's sitting there.He's dancing.Is this really weird thing,a super buff Black guydancing in very littleclothing with somegraphics and animation in it?He told me yearslater, he's on stage,speaking as part ofa panel discussion.And Joseph Kosinski,who hadn't becomethe director he istoday, says, hey, I sawthat thing was really weird.I like it.We should work together.So then he windsup working on Tron.And other films, oblivion.Awesome I've got toshift my mindset.Yes, you do, and I can'temphasize that enough.That's why, like I left lastweek's call kind of like,I think everybody stilltrying to like, go get work.This is not the right mindset.That's you do need to getwork, but not for this.Anybody else.So at the end ofday 30, we're doing.And we should havethem on the Rio board.Well, that is to be determined.That is to be determinedbecause I don'tknow what the limitations are.I'm just saying that ifyou have 30 social mediaposts with cool design,that is the thing.Now we can get aproduct out of itand be able to photograph it,make it real and tangible.That's even cooler.OK all right.Thanks OK.Any other questions, comments?Concerns I havesomething real quick.This guy, I know hisname's Noah scaling.He did.365 days of a skull a day, he'sactually done it for, probably.He expanded it.It was just a blog.He was in a creative block ora creative Funk or whatever.Anyway, from that,because he solvedproblems a different way.He was able to get work.I mean, I know that'snot ideal, but itis exactly what Chris is sayinggoing out, doing something.So if you go to theskull a day blog,I think he's probably beendoing it for about 10 yearsand it's amazing what kindof work just side projectslike that have come from.But he hadn't.He didn't have that inhis mind on the answer.He was just trying tokind of push himself so.Mm-hmm And they were madeout of all kinds of things.There's I think thereare way more examplesof people who do somethingbecause they love doing itand having all kindsof success afterwardsversus people who go intotrying to design something thatis going to get them notice.Olly Moss is oneof those people.He loves graphic designand illustration,so he designs theseposters and now he'sbeing commissioned by Disneyand Pixar and all these.So initially it wasfan art and thenit turned into a commission.Said bluster was a giganticfollowing on Instagram.Over a million followersjust decided one dayI'm going topractice calligraphyand he turns it into thing.And that now becomes his career.He's AI guess he's an artist,illustrator, calligrapher now,and he doesn't even doclient work anymore.So if neither of thesetwo things appeal to you,make your own thing.Yes Emma Willis show as well.Yes she startedcreating it as a wayto get away fromcorporate work and findwork that was sorestrictive and soshe just created all time out.And then from to you, I thinkyou have to triage your video.can't hear you.You're breaking up.They added, or maybe not.Yeah, Yeah.OK, try now, go ahead.OK so she created the maps asart and there were distortedand she did it asa way to get awayfrom the restrictions ofclient work and corporate workthat she was stuck in, stuck in.But then, you know, it's partof a day to day and peoplepurchase the art.And as a painting, almost.And then she was asked to createmurals on walls and buildingsand schools.So it's morphed intoa much bigger thing.That's great.So you're reinforcingwhat I'm saying, right?Excuse me, which is dosomething that you love,do something becauseyou're passionate about it.Put your heart and soulinto it, and somethingmight come out of it.But don't worry toomuch about that.Yeah she had no intention ofanything coming out of it.Right?super.OK all right now.I think I'm done with thisunless somebody else wantsto talk about it.So what we want to do is wewant to get everybody that'sinterested in this tosign up and publiclycommit to doing oneor the other or bothor whatever it is that you want.I would suggest thatyou don't do bothbecause there's alot of work and youhave to do clientpaying work as well.And some of you guys havefamilies or significant othersthat you have tospend time with.So I don't want tokill you on this thing.I personally will take on theskateboard challenge myself.And what I want to do isto have a start right away,but don't post anythinguntil June 1st.So you have a little head startso you don't feel pressured,so it's good to getsome momentum before youstart going.Right so by 6 orseven designs in,hopefully you feel that momentumand then you can take off.OK all right, I'mgoing to now segway,let me put the titleup here so that we knowand when I edit this thing.All right, that's going toofficially wrap up this sessioncall number 63.
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