Key takeaways you’ll get from this workbook are:

  • Where your time is being allocated each day
  • How to strategize your next 12 months with S.M.A.R.T. goals
  • What and who might be influential motivators in your life

Your time is precious, and while we believe it's how you spend it, we also think it's how you save it. Let's break it down.

Stepping out of the comfort zone isn’t easy, especially for those that are creatures of habit, but you want to take your business to the next level, right? The future can’t be the same as the past, and only you can make that change in this present moment.

That’s where this workbook created personally by Chris Do comes into play.

You see, this is more than a time management study. This is about visualizing a roadmap that is tied to real commitments you set for yourself. We even put a signature line in there so you can ink your name to the goals you agree to achieve. It’s mind over matter, and we know you will see results the moment you start taking action on the plans you make in this workbook.

Frequently Asked Questions

How will this help me gain more time in my day?

You'd be surprised how much discretionary time you have in a day, but it starts with knowing where the time is going. By using this worksheet, you'll have a good sample of what might be happing with your time most of the time.

What does S.M.A.R.T. stand for?

S.M.A.R.T. is an acronym for "Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Results-focused, and Time-bound," and when you apply these concepts to your goals, you'll see how easier it will be to reach your targets and set even higher objectives for yourself.

I'm one of those people who work best on multiple projects and feel I need distractions in my life. Why should I use this worksheet?

Even if you are person who strives in controlled chaos, we think it's always a good idea to take a mental cleanse and regroup on what's most important so you can continue delivering the best work possible. Try it out, and see what we mean!

Key takeaways you’ll get from this workbook are:

  • Where your time is being allocated each day
  • How to strategize your next 12 months with S.M.A.R.T. goals
  • What and who might be influential motivators in your life

Your time is precious, and while we believe it's how you spend it, we also think it's how you save it. Let's break it down.

Stepping out of the comfort zone isn’t easy, especially for those that are creatures of habit, but you want to take your business to the next level, right? The future can’t be the same as the past, and only you can make that change in this present moment.

That’s where this workbook created personally by Chris Do comes into play.

You see, this is more than a time management study. This is about visualizing a roadmap that is tied to real commitments you set for yourself. We even put a signature line in there so you can ink your name to the goals you agree to achieve. It’s mind over matter, and we know you will see results the moment you start taking action on the plans you make in this workbook.

Frequently Asked Questions

How will this help me gain more time in my day?

You'd be surprised how much discretionary time you have in a day, but it starts with knowing where the time is going. By using this worksheet, you'll have a good sample of what might be happing with your time most of the time.

What does S.M.A.R.T. stand for?

S.M.A.R.T. is an acronym for "Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Results-focused, and Time-bound," and when you apply these concepts to your goals, you'll see how easier it will be to reach your targets and set even higher objectives for yourself.

I'm one of those people who work best on multiple projects and feel I need distractions in my life. Why should I use this worksheet?

Even if you are person who strives in controlled chaos, we think it's always a good idea to take a mental cleanse and regroup on what's most important so you can continue delivering the best work possible. Try it out, and see what we mean!